The latest version of cPanel (v64) is now live on our servers. This brings a number of new features, including the following:

Fast Email Searching (IMAP Full Text Search)

Full-Text Search Indexing (powered by Solr) provides fast search capabilities for IMAP mailboxes. Users of iOS devices, Microsoft® Outlook™, SquirrelMail, Horde, Roundcube, and Mozilla™ Thunderbird will notice significantly improved search speed and convenience.

iOS Push for IMAP mail

iOS Push support enables iOS devices to receive push notifications when new email arrives in their INBOX.

AutoSSL supporting Proxy Subdomains

In cPanel & WHM 64, AutoSSL now supports proxy subdomains. Including, but not limited to, the cpanel.*, whm.*, and webmail.* domains that are automatically generated by the system.

SSL Status in cPanel

Are you curious about when AutoSSL is going to renew your certificate? Do you need to quickly check if any of your certificates will expire soon? Are you interested in finding out what validation type your current certificate is? The SSL Status page is for you. In cPanel, now you can quickly see all of the domains on your account

Improved performance for sending and receiving Email

Improving iOS battery life, reducing authentication lookups, and boosting delivery performance are just some of the ways we’ve improved sending and receiving Email in cPanel & WHM 64.

Tidy Mailboxes

Everyone hates cleaning up their email. In version 64 we made it much easier with the Mailbox Disk Usage tool. The tool allows you to see all of your mailboxes and quickly remove old emails or large messages. We have also integrated this into the mailbox quota notifications to provide users quick access.

Fully Updated phpMyAdmin

In this version we have updated phpMyAdmin from version 4.0 to version 4.6! Explore all of the new and improved features.

For the full release notes, please see:
Please note that not all options within the release notes are available to end users


Marți, Aprilie 11, 2017

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