
 How to I enable SSI's (Server Side Includes)?

SSI's (Server Side Includes) are enabled on all accounts as stanadard. In order to make use...

 I need a PHP setting changed

We aim to have PHP on our servers configured to achieve a balance between the majority of...

 Is perl scripting (cgi-bin directory) enabled on my account?

As standard, we no longer enable Perl on new hosting accounts as almost all commonly used scripts...

 PHP memory limit exceeded

Very occasionally, when running certain more advanced or demanding PHP based scripts on your...

 What is a website exploit?

The majority of websites now run code on them which makes them interactive. The most commonly...

 What is the absolute path to my webspace?

The absolute path to your website root directory is: /home/username/public_html/Username should...

 What is the path to perl?

The path to perl in your scripts should be set as:/usr/bin/perl 

 What is the path to sendmail?

The path to sendmail to be used in your scripts is:/usr/sbin/sendmail