- Send mail configuration information to new mailboxes
To send configuration information and a mobile configuration file to the address, select the Send welcome email with mail client configuration instructions option in cPanel's Email Accounts interface (Home >> Email >> Email Accounts).
The new user can access this information through that mailbox's Webmail interface. Also, the site administrator can send it to another mailbox with the Email Instructions option under the Set Up Email Client interface.
- Simple Zone Editor and Advanced Zone Editor combined into Zone Editor
We redesigned the Simple and Advanced Zone Editor interfaces into the new Zone Editor interface (Home >> Domains >> Zone Editor). This interface provides all of the same functionality of both the Simple Zone Editor and the Advanced Zone Editor, but in a simpler and easier to navigate interface. For this release, both the Simple and Advanced zone editors will remain available in addition to the new Zone Editor interface.
- Automatically install best available certificate for new addon domain, parked domain, or subdomain
When you create an addon domain, parked domain, or subdomain, the system will attempt to automatically secure that domain with an existing certificate. If no certificate exists within the domain’s virtual host, but another certificate matches the domain, the system will secure the domain with that certificate.
If no certificate matches the domain, the system will install a self-signed certificate for the domain.
- All websites receive an SSL certificate
Any website created in cPanel & WHM now receives an SSL certificate. A self-signed certificate is added if no other SSL certificates are available.
Dinsdag, Januari 31, 2017
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