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40Gb Disk Space
2Gb RAM (+ 4Gb burstable SWAP)
500Gb/month data transfer
4 CPU Cores

Choice of Linux Operating System

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(required fields are marked with *)
Complementos Disponibles

cPanel Cloud licence - for VPS servers/platforms only, not for installation on a dedicated server. Allows for up to 5 hosting accounts. You can either install this application yourself or we can perform the initial installation of this for you on request at no cost, ready for you to set up and configure for your use.
Please note that cPanel requires approx. 3-4Gb of disk space, therefore may not be as suitable for an entry level VPS
£18.00 Mensual
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cPanel Cloud licence - for VPS servers/platforms only, not for installation on a dedicated server. Allows for up to 30 hosting accounts. You can either install this application yourself or we can perform the initial installation of this for you on request at no cost, ready for you to set up and configure for your use.
Please note that cPanel requires approx. 3-4Gb of disk space, therefore may not be as suitable for an entry level VPS
£25.00 Mensual
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KernelCare automatically patches your system's Linux kernel in memory without the need for a reboot. This allows the latest security updates to be applied almost immediately and also means no downtime where a server would traditionally be rebooted to install a new kernel.
£2.50 Mensual
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